Tarsier The smallest primate in the world.

Tarsier The smallest primate in the world.
The friends of the reader,. This time sharing information about the world's smallest primates. Yupss .. this time we will discuss the Tarsier. Tarsiers are primates of the genus Tarsius, a genus of the family Tarsiidae monotipe, the only surviving family of the order Tarsiiformes. Tarsier is a primitive primates (Prosimii) of the family of primates endemic to Indonesia Tarsidae are scattered in the Islands of Sumatra, Sulawesi and Kalimantan. Animals tarsier has a small body, unique, and similar mini bears, so that the much-loved animals as a pet (pet). Tarsiers have large round eyes with sideways movement.
Tarsiers are nocturnal animals. So rarely seen in daylight. Because almost all activities carried out at night ....
How friendly reader? unique endemic to Indonesia is not an animal. Therefore we should preserve it, ..

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4 komentar:

Rizwan Kusasi said...

kok kecil banget ya tarsiusnya..

Didik Priyanto said...

namanya juga primata terkecil di dunia,, ya pasti kecil

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